
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Buddy Bee is 23 Months Old

June 13, 2012
Our little Buddy Bee turns 23 months.
A month away from becoming a 2 year old little boy.
Weight:  23.6 lbs.

Official 23 month photo.

Buddy Bee hiding his monthly sticker behind his back by sticking it on his neck. 
"Where did it go, Buddy Bee?"

Standing in a field of hay is really fascinating for a 23 month old little boy.

The joy that oozes out of our little Bee is so heartwarming to this mother's heart.

Buddy Bee lost in thought. 
Oh, I would love to know those little thoughts.

Watching birds fly by.

There was a little point, a goodbye wave and off he went. Thus mommy was done with pictures.

For my usually fast little boy the tall hay really slowed him down!

Maybe crawling would prove to be faster.

Nope, running was faster!

Buddy Bee's, "I am free" look!

Our little Buddy Bee is almost 2. 
Time is truly flying by but we are having the time of our lives watching our little boy grow up.

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