
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A 22 Month Old Bee.

Our Buddy Bee is growing up!  He is now a 22 month old bee. 
May 13, 2012
Weight: 23.2 lbs.

Offical 22 Month Photo.

My second favorite.

Buddy Bee being a ham before his pictures! 

His little laugh is such sweet music. 

Buddy Bee telling Mommy something important.  Wish I knew what it was!

Buddy Bee giggles for Daddy.

"The yard looks much more fun, Mom".

And with every monthly photo shoot there are Buddy Bee tears.

Don't you dare little boy! 

We love little Buddy Bee giggles!

That sticker was just too tempting for the little Buddy Bee.

For the Buddy Bee there is nothing better than being released from sitting still and being good!

For our 22 month old bee running wild, driving trucks, eating dirt, blankie (blee), yogurt covered raisins, and curious george are the best things in the world.  At 22 months he wants everything "Ma" when Daddy is home and everything "Da" when daddy is at work.  He squeals at the top of his lungs just to turn around and cover his mouth with his finger and say "Shhh".  He loves his music class and Bee Boppin with his class friends.  After a half hour of snuggling and reading books our Bee goes to bed at 8:00 pm just to stay awake for a good hour talking and singing to himself.  Our little bee is nearing 2 and I am amazed at how our Buddy Bee is growing up.  He changes everyday and I am looking forward to seeing the changes to come! Our Buddy Bee is growing up....

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