
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Andrew's Birthday

It was Andrew's 28th birthday weekend and we had just come from Buddy Bee's first swim.  After an unsuccesfesful attempt at Buddy Bee's nap we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for a continued birthday celebration.

The Birthday boy and Buddy Bee enjoying some Goldfish before birthday cake.

Andrew's Lake theme birthday cake made by his mother.

Buddy Bee even got a pair of live goldfish.

Buddy Bee opted out of birthday cake and enjoyed a popsicle instead.

The birthday boy.

The end result of the popsicle...

The following day was Andrew's official birthday.
Our Sunday mornings are generally crazy so Andrew had his special birthday pancake breakfast the day before but nothing could be more special than celebrating your birthday in church, so we gathered up our Bee and headed to our amazing church.
Our Pastor asked Andrew if he was 29 AGAIN and Andrew's response was that he just now turning 28.
We had a wonderful time worshiping with our church family and after headed back home for Buddy Bee nap time.
And of course when we arrived home the first words out of my mouth were, "before Buddy Bee goes down for a nap we NEED a birthday picture"!

Andrew's birthday picture included our little Hannah.

While Buddy Bee napped I made Andrew a special birthday dessert from these beauties.

Later that afternoon Grampy came over to watch the Buddy Bee so I could take Andrew out for a special birthday dinner.

Picture taken after our dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

I would say Andrew had a fabulous birthday.  We absolutely enjoyed time as a family of 3 and Buddy Bee loved swimming! 
More on Andrew's special birthday flag later.

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