
Monday, December 12, 2011

Days of November.

Back in the beginning of November we had a fabulous fall day in which Buddy Bee, Emma, and I headed outside to enjoy the sun!

 Buddy Bee running to FREEDOM!

Buddy Bee headed to our side yard to explore the pine tree.

 Buddy Bee in awe of how tall the tree is.

Buddy Bee found more things to eat than Emma did.

 One would think that Buddy Bee might be part beaver the way he gnawed on the stick.

 Buddy Bee soon need a break from running and eating sticks and headed over to his blanky and favorite dog, Emma.

My sleepy little Bee.

 Buddy Bee giving Emma a great, big Buddy Bee hug!

 A little boy and his dog.

 Buddy Bee showing Mommy the leaf he found.

 Buddy Bee only needed a moment to rest and was soon back to running, waving his leaf in the air, and singing at the top of his lungs.

 Playing catch with Mommy.

 Pure happiness.

Off he goes with his ball.

 No fear of exploring.

 Mommy and the Bee.

 Buddy Bee is in constant motion.

 Exploring with Emma or Em-MA as he calls her.

Buddy Bee and Emma explored the front and side yard and soon ended up on the back porch....

 But not for long, they were soon off running again.

Buddy Bee had the time of his life exploring with Emma. 
What a beautiful fall day we had.

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