
Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Cookies

Andrew and I started dating in high school and one thing I always did for him was bake him my special chocolate chip cookies. So, when its time to make Christmas cookies I always have a special request from my hubby....chocolate chip.  I also always make my Grandmother's Molasses Crinkles, a favorite of mine.

A few days before Christmas my little helper and taste tester began our Christmas Cookie adventure.

All ready for Christmas cookies!

Kisses for my boy.

We started on Molasses Crinkles first.

Buddy Bee watching the ingredients mix in the mixer.

Klove Christmas station playing Christmas songs while Buddy Bee helps make Christmas cookies.

First batch of Molasses Crinkles ready to go in the fridge while we started on chocolate chip.

The Christmas Cookie Team.

My taste tester sampling chocolate chips.

Chocolate Chip ready for the oven.

While the chocolate chip were in the oven I rolled and sugared the crinkles.

Bowl of Molasses Crinkles ready for the oven.

Finished crinkles perfectly done.
I am loving the oven in our new house!

While I was working on rolling more crinkles I noticed something missing....

I have a cookie thief!

It did not take me long to find him...

He was trying to destroy the evidence though.

I think he approves of Mommy's favorite.

Chipmunk cheeks full of Christmas cookies.

A happy Bee finished with his stolen cookie.

Back for more.

Buddy Bee and I made 170 Molasses Crinkles and 100 Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Buddy Bee and his celebration dance for all the finished cookies!
(Excuse his disposable diaper.  Cookie day was also diaper wash day and I miscalculated clean cloth diapers...)

It smells like Christmas in the Park House!

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