
Thursday, September 22, 2011

September Wreath

It was time to make a wreath for our new home. 
 While Andrew was gone at drill last weekend I got to work after Buddy Bee went to bed.
I have been making wreaths for our door for several years and I enjoy it very much.
Andrew keeps telling me I need to start a business selling them but I am not sure anyone else would like them.

Here is my September wreath for our new home!

My supplies all ready.

Original idea without ribbon and bow.

Ribbon now attached.  Waiting for the bow.
Something needed an adjustment.  The wreath was bottom heavy to the eye.

I love the glitter apple and pear but I was beginning to think they were the problem.

Bow was added so I took it outside to make the final adjustments.

I had to remove the apple and pear.  It just was not working.

There are twigs, framing the top, that match the ribbon.

Final adjustments made. 

Very pleased with my creation.

I debated whether to hang it on the door or leave it where it was. 
For now the wreath hangs between our front door and entry window.
I am just in love with my new September wreath!

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