
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Haircut with Meemaw.

On September 17th the Buddy Bee, Meemaw, and I
headed up to Binghamton for the Bee's 3rd haircut. 
The Bee's hair was so long it was driving him crazy!

Sitting with Meemaw and making faces at Mommy.
The Bee would not hold still unless he had something to chew on.
He ended up with 2 combs to hold.

A handsome little boy.

Time for the clippers around his ears.  He thought they were funny.

The Bee's handsome new haircut. 

Mommy and the Bee.

Doing the Buddy Bee dance.

Buddy Bee had trout for the first time at dinner time.  

Buddy Bee playing with the clean sheets before Mommy folded them.
He was squealing and flailing his arms with the sheet over his head.
He loved it!

It amazes me how grown up the Bee looks after a haircut. 
The Buddy Bee is growing up.

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