
Friday, September 2, 2011

The day the rain stopped.

August 29th was a beautiful day and it was so nice to see the sun.
It was hard to believe we had just been hit by a hurricane.
Our little family was very fortunate. 
We only lost power for a few days and did not have any major flooding. 

Our cabin did suffer some damage from the storm.  We had water in the basement, one of the skylights leaked causing some sheetrock damage, but the thing that faired the worst was the driveway.
Our driveway just could not handle all the water causing some major washing.   

Thankfully my dad was willing to work on the drive since Andrew would not be home until late that night.

Buddy Bee LOVES the tractor and yelled at grampy the whole time!

 Buddy Bee's room also got the first coat of paint....getting closer to being ready to move!

Buddy Bee exploring his new home.  He was on the move after something.

Off again.

Helping Mommy move the rock wall.

 Buddy Bee found the dirt!

How fitting that his shirt says, "I Love Dirt".

Buddy Bee with dirt all over his face and teeth!

Our family is so thankful for the protection provided to our homes and family during the storm. 
 Nothing could damper our exceitment for this week though.  
We finally close on our cabin tomorrow!

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