
Monday, September 19, 2011

A Boy Exploring.

Buddy Bee has a whole new house to explore and he is not going to miss anything.

Mommy's nice and neat kitchen was destroyed by the Buddy Bee in seconds.

Buddy Bee finding all kinds of new toys.

Buddy Bee and his new fort, the new dining room table.

Buddy Bee was laughing so hard he started rolling on the floor.

We will never know what was so funny.

Trying to escape from Mommy.

Buddy Bee so proud he got on his Buggy all by himself.

Our little Buddy Bee loves his blankets.

Our busy little bee also got a special treat, chocolate!

He loves it!

A tad bit upset when Mommy would not give him more.

Our little bee has loved exploring his new home and is having a great time doing it! 

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