Buddy Bee's trip to the 154th Harford Fair!
When you live in Susquehanna County, PA you must visit the Harford Fair.
Andrew and I grew up going to the fair, have both worked at the fair,
and could not wait to take our little man.
It was time for Buddy Bee to experience his first Harford Fair!
All ready to head into the fair.
After walking the fair a bit it was time to get some fair food!
We packed Buddy Bee's dinner but he did get to try Daddy's vanilla milk shake, sweet potatoe fries, and part of Mommy's pastrami and corned beef sandwich.
Daddy and the Buddy Bee after dinner.
Buddy Bee sharing his veggie stick.
After dinner we headed over to see all the animals.
Buddy Bee and the baby goat.
The baby goat was standing in his food bin.
Buddy Bee and the very friendly sheep.
The sheep wanted Buddy Bee to share his food.
Buddy Bee loved the sheep.
Notice Buddy Bee's blue balloon. There is a pattern forming with this child.
He picked that up after his diaper change at the Pro Life Booth.
Curious about this new sheep.
Checking out the sleeping pigs.
They smelt Buddy Bee's food and woke up real quick.
Mommy and the Buddy Bee.
Almost ready to head back home.
Family Picture at the Harford Fair.
We had a great time at the fair this year! It was an amazing experince to take our son, for the first time, to a place that holds so many memories for us. It was a little over whelming for Buddy Bee but he loved all the animals. We are looking forward to our annual visit next year.