
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Haircuts to Moving Boxes

The wild hair on the Buddy Bee had to go so on Tusday (July 5) we set off armed with 2 adults and the wild child and his hair!  This would be the Buddy Bee's second haircut.  

He kept trying to turn to see what the beautician was doing back there. 

All done! Mommy even got to get a haircut while the Buddy Bee played with Oma.

Look at that handsome boy with his new haircut.  Also notice the baby gate he is sitting on. 
Priority 1 at the cabin: make it safe for the Buddy Bee!

The first load of boxes moving up to the cabin.  As we are spending more time at the cabin we realized it would be much easier if we had our kitchen set up so the kitchen moved first. 

Another bath at the cabin for the Buddy Bee. 
 Look how excited he is trying to climb in the tub!

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