
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Date Night!

I am ashamed to say we have only left the Buddy Bee with someone else twice. 
No, I should not say we are ashamed because I am proud that we have changed our lives because of the Buddy Bee. When we had our little Buddy Bee the focus of our lives became him. We left the world of just us 2 when the Buddy Bee was born, and became a FAMILY of 3.
 However, that number (2) should be a bit higher.
It was time Mommy and Daddy had a date night!

On Friday night, Andrew and I headed out to mini golf with our young adults church group while the Buddy Bee stayed and played with Meemaw!

Did I mention we are not very good at mini golf?

Enjoying our Date Night!

 We could not have asked for a better night!
The weather was wonderful, the company of the KCC young adults was excellent,
the ice cream was delicious, and I got to spend it all with my honey!

I, Stacey, even got a hole in 1!

The Buddy Bee had a fabulous night as well. 
 When we got home he was snuggled on the couch with Meemaw and all ready for bed.
He could not stop talking about his night with Meemaw...well, that is what we think he was telling us about!

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