
Friday, July 22, 2011

Birthday Toys!

If we did not think we needed a bigger house before, we sure do now!
Where to put all of these birthday toys?

The Buddy Bee has loved the discovery of all his new birthday toys!
It's a bit overwhelming for his mother though.
This is not even half of all his birthday gifts.  We still have a huge box full sitting on the kitchen table.

Mega blocks dump truck from Mommy and Daddy.

The ultimate birthday gift for a 1 year old....a balloon on a stick!
Dino blanket made by Mommy.

The perfect Buddy Bee size!

I think he likes it.

Jumbles from Buddy Bee's little friend who knew exactly what he wanted for his birthday.

Look at the big boy, standing all by himself!
Loving his balloon.

Truck from Nanna and Papa.

Little People Noah's Ark from Mommy and Daddy.

Helping Daddy assemble the Buddy Bee Mower!

Let's put him to work!

Super Secret Birthday Toy Box.

Race Car Track from some very special friends.

No words...

Silly Buddy Bee!

Buddy Bee's Cozy Coupe! 
Mommy is more excited than the Buddy Bee!

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