
Friday, November 1, 2013

Best Bud, BOB!

Buddy Bee adores his 2 new kitties, but there is just something special about BOB!

 Buddy Bee will tell you that BOB is his very best friend.

Buddy Bee proudly named his cat after Bob the tomato of VeggieTales. 

 Bob is a special kind of kitty.  He looks for Buddy Bee in the morning, he follows BB around everywhere, and most impressive for a cat he allows Buddy Bee to do ANYTHING to him. 

Kisses for his kitty.

 I still monitor Buddy Bee's affection toward Bob.....a 3 year old really doesn't understand why he can't hug his little friend as tight as possible and roll across the living room floor with him. 

Buddy Bee was too quiet so, I went looking for the mess he was ultimately making...
I found this.

Bob was laying in the washing machine on top of a pile of Buddy Bee toys. 

Buddy Bee loves to hide things in the washing machine and since Bob is his sidekick he joined in on the fun. 

Buddy Bee thinks it is hilarious when Bob paws at him.

These two are the funniest of friends! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Buddy Bee was rather upset Mommy woke him up from his nap, dressed him this monkey suit, and insisted that he sit for pictures. 

Buddy Bee hated this costume.

And he was rather sleepy.

Oh, dear child...

He was such a sad little child.

I was convinced I would never get any happy pictures of this child so off we went (with a lot of tears) to Buddy Bee's Pre-School Halloween party. 

He perked up once he saw all his friends dressed up.


His teacher convinced him to try his monkey hat.....I am so glad she did so Mommy could at least have one of her little monkey. 

He had a blast at the party but we soon headed back home for dinner. 

On our way out we got a picture of Buddy Bee's scarecrow on the bulletin board. 

I will always remember this Halloween with a very unhappy monkey!