
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Buddy Bee's First Baseball Game

We have known about Andrew's upcoming deployment since he returned from Afghanistan in 2008.  It really has not been until recently that we started planning and preparing for Andrew's leaving.  For me, as a mother of a young Buddy Bee, I started a list of "firsts" that I wanted Buddy Bee to experience with his Daddy.  It breaks my heart all the things Andrew will miss over the next year but I am thankful for the adventures we were able to experience with the Buddy Bee and Daddy.  One of those things on my list was Buddy Bee's first Baseball game.  So, one night in August we headed to New York to watch the Binghamton Mets at Buddy Bee's first baseball game. 

Buddy Bee enjoying his first baseball game experience. 

The Bee thought it was fantastic!

Our little family.

Our seats were right down on home plate so, Buddy Bee got a great view of all the action.

Keeping his little face away from the net was a struggle but he sure was cute watching the game. 

He would get so serious watching the game. 

He even shared his baseball stickers.

Buddy Bee watching the game with Pastor Madas. 

While Andrew was gone getting us hot dogs Buddy Bee moved down the row.

Buddy Bee started getting restless so, Pastor took him on a little tour of the stadium. 

He even met Ballwinkle the mascot with a friend of ours.

When Buddy Bee got restless Andrew took the boy for some hitting practice. 

My boy is not bad for a 2 year old. 

He had a blast.

Back to watching the end of the game with Daddy.  The Mets lost but we had a great time anyway. 

There was one more first for the Bee that night.  We stayed after the game for the fireworks which, absolutely mesmerized him.   

It was a perfect evening and I am so glad Andrew got to share this with the Bee. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Military Ball 2012

There is no hiding the fact that I absolutely adore my husband in uniform. I fall even deeper in love with him every time he puts that uniform on.   So, of course I jumped at the chance to get dressed up myself and to see my hubby in his dress blues.   Military Balls make me feel like we are going to prom all over again. It has been 12 years since our first prom together.  I loved Andrew back at our high school proms but my love for him has tripled since.  Andrew, thank you for taking me to our proms, being my high school sweetheart, loving me, marrying me, and wearing that uniform for me.

My handsome solider and I ready for our night out on the town.

There are so many times where I do not deserve this man but I am so thankful for his love.

Buddy Bee was under Grampy's watch and Andrew and I were off for a wonderful night. 


Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel was our venue for the evening.
(picture taken from

It was nice spending cocktail hour meeting the men that Andrew is often speaking of.  Though, I am not sure I will remember them or their names again....I need those name tags!

One of my favorite pictures of the night. 

Andrew, the completion of your promotion is long over ball I expect Captain Park to be escorting me. 

My husband sick of the camera in his face. 

I am so proud of this man and what he has accomplished during his 10 years in the military. 

Andrew then turned the camera on me.

Andrew enjoying his conversation with his Army buddy. I have big plans, when Buddy Bee is older, for this NYC fire fighter to give our little boy a grand tour. 

Dinner arrived!...and it was amazing!

Those blue eyes kill me. 

There had to be some kissing pictures. 

My handsome chauffeur taking me home.

We had such an amazing evening I hated to leave. 

 It was at the end of the evening but Andrew captured how my hair was styled. 

Andrew, thank you for an amazing evening.  It is always a privilege to be your date and to be included in your military world.