
Monday, July 16, 2012

A 24 Month Old Bee and a Birthday Bike.

The time had come once again to decide whether or not I would continue taking my little cutie's monthly picture.  I really couldn't imagine our months without our little photo sessions so, naturally the decision was to continue.  Some changes were required, however.  Our first year consisted of index cards, monthly stickers for our second year, and since our little boy can't stop pulling off his sticker or eating his index cards, our third year will just require our boy in his cute little cloth diaper.  And there could not be a better way to start our 3rd year of photos than with a Buddy Bee and his birthday trike. 

The second official 24 month photo.
My birthday boy and his birthday trike from Mommy and Daddy.

We found the perfect little trike for our boy's birthday.

Air filled rubber tires, low wide back wheels, a very sturdy metal frame, and a bell make for a perfect trike!
Besides every little boy's first bike should be a Scwhinn bike.

He can't quite reach the pedals but he sure loves scooting around.

I never want his innocence to fade.

He hasn't moved far from this spot but, he was having a great time. 

It looks cute from behind, especially with the Buddy Bee driving. 

Stopping to check the tires.

I love how seriously he takes fixing his bike. 

Buddy Bee it did not take you long....

Bikes make really good vehicles to push down the hill.

Excuse the saggy diaper, someone went swimming in the pool.

Buddy Bee's first passenger.

Moving rocks is important business for Buddy Bees.

Stopping to pick up more "passengers".

It won't stay this shiny for long but that is how we want it; lovingly used by a little boy. 

We are looking forward to watching our Buddy Bee grow up during the next year. 
Maybe by next year he will be able to reach the pedals on his birthday bike!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Buzz On Over To Celebrate Buddy Bee's 2nd Birthday

Our little Buddy Bee is going to bee TWO!
Buzz on over to celebrate Buddy Bee's 2nd Birthday!
July 14, 2012

Once in every Buddy Bee's life there has to be a Bee theme birthday!

Our little family with our 2 year and 1 day old Buddy Bee.

Buddy Bee was all ready to party!

Buddy Bee's favors for the adults in his life. 

Bumble Bee sticky notes.

12 favor boxes for Buddy Bee's little friends and cousins.

Buddy Bee's favors included bubbles, a punch ball, and a star crayon made by his Mommy.

Our birthday feast included:
Pasta Salad,
Fruit Salad,
Garden Salad,
Chips and Cookies,
Yellow and Brown M&M's,
Birthday Cupcakes!

I absolutely adored his birthday cupcakes.

I am so thankful to the lovely lady who took the time to make the Buddy Bee 50 sunflower cupcakes for his birthday.

Our back deck, decked out in Bumble Bee theme decor.

This was the first Buddy Bee birthday party we held at our new house.  We truly have the perfect location for a little boys birthday party; an amazing yard to run around in, a large deck for gathering, an awning over the deck, and this huge picnic table for socialization and eating!

Besides our Bee theme we also incorporated a sunflower and yellow and green theme.

Buddy Bee's pile of birthday blessings. 

Buddy Bee discovering the most thoughtful and most cherished by his mother and father birthday gift. 

Buddy Bee's new play kitchen lovingly made by "Pee" (Grampy).

Grampy thoughtfully did not glue the sink in so that I could take it out and wash it when it gets messy....right now though Buddy Bee loves removing it. 

Grampy watching the Bee discover his creation. 

The Bee kept coming back to his kitchen in between playing with his friends.

Trying to pull out the oven rack.

Buddy Bee's very special friend from church enjoying the feast of food.

The sink is back in!!

Buddy Bee's bubble bar for his friends.

It did not take the Bee long to jump into 1 of 2 kiddy pools.

Buddy Bee's traditional birthday shirt.

Jumping in the pool and having a blast at his party.

When did this little boy grow up?

All the planning Andrew and I did for our little boy's party was worth it to see this little face.

The little boy with whom we celebrate today. 

Back to the kitchen he goes....sink out, ball in.  I love how his little 2 year old mind works. 

A birthday cupcake for the Bee.

I love his face as we sang Happy Birthday.

Eating the bumble bee from the top of his cupcake. 
Buddy Bee loves M&M's!

He tasted it, liked it, but was ready to go back to playing so, he shared with Mommy.

Buddy Bee is a very blessed little boy to have all these people in his life that love him.

Little Greyson was not that interested in partying.

My Grandma, Oma to Buddy Bee, holding her youngest great-grand child.

We fished our little Buddy Bee out of the pool to open some of his presents.

Mommy and Daddy stocked Buddy Bee's new kitchen with lots of food, pots and pans, and everything a little boy needs to be creative in the kitchen.

Oh, the faces of Andrew....

Two new Curious George blankies made by Mommy.

Buddy Bee can't resist a snuggle with blankies.

It may not look like much in the bag, Buddy Bee, but just wait till you open up your play tent!


Kitchen food!

Buddy Bee now has his very own computer.

Curious George books!

Buddy Bee's new Moose rug!

Buddy Bee would have been happy getting just a pile of balls. 

A lego car.

Lego Blocks!

Ava enjoying the pool.

Buddy Bee asking if he could go and play.

Go frog go!

These little toddlers shared with each other marvelously....I was so proud of them all!

The pools were a HUGE hit! 

Buddy Bee enjoying a truck race with Ava.

I think Ava must have won.

Buddy Bee helping himself to Ava's birthday gifts.

Testing out Ava's new toys.

Buddy Bee having an operator error during his truck race with Ava.

Ava having a great time winning her truck race with the Buddy Bee.

The play tent was up and the boys wasted no time in defending their new fort. 

Happy Birthday little boy. 
From the smile on your face I think you enjoyed your special day.  
We love you to pieces, Buddy Bee.