
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A 20 Month Old Bee

March 13, 2012
Buddy Bee becomes a 20 month old bee.

Offical 20 month photo.

Buddy Bee was in a fabulous mood for Mommy's little photo shoot so, prepare for an overload of cuteness!

Buddy Bee singing a little song for Mommy.

Apparently, Mommy squeezed in the corner of the bathroom leaning over the sink to get Buddy Bee photo's was really funny.

"Where's your tummy, Buddy Bee?"

Then we had a mini meltdown...

Offical Buddy Bee tear photo.

He only needed a few moments and then he was back to all smiles.

Our 20 month old bee loves playing and eating dirt, collecting and throwing rocks, trucks, Curious George, and any music he can dance to.  He is a little ham and a huge entertainer.  He says a new word everyday but then chooses to never say it again.  But most importantly he is full of hugs, kisses, and lots of love!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Honor and Remember Flag

Andrew had a very simple request for his birthday gift his year and I gladly honored it.
 Andrew wanted an Honor and Remember Flag
The month of March signifies 10 years in the Army for Andrew and during that time
 he has given much and has seen what has been given by his brothers in service. 
So, on the month of Andrew's 10 year anniversary he hung this flag honoring his brothers who have given their lives for our freedom. 

Buddy Bee watching Daddy raise the flags.
And yes, he is not wearing pants...a really common occurence with this child.
Besides this March day was almost 80 degress.

We love this flag's symbolism.

The red field represents blood shed.
The blue star respresents service during conflict.
The white bordering the gold star signifies the purity of sacrifies made.
The gold star respresents the ultimate sacrifie made by our soldiers.
The folded flag signifies the final tribute families receive for their soldiers' ultimate sacrifice.
The flame symbolizes  remembrance of those who have given their lives for our contry.

The Honor and Remember Flag symbolism can be summarized in one sentence,
"We will always Honor their selfless sacrifices and Remember them individually by name".

Even though Andrew requested this flag for his birthday I think it was a perfect way to honor his 10 years of service. 
I really am in disbelief that it has been 10 years since Andrew first enlisted.  We were just in high school when this very special boy came to me with this huge decision. I am very thankful and honored that he allowed me to be a part of his decision to enlist.  If you ask Andrew though he knew he was going to marry me even then.  I supported Andrew's calling then and even more now despite that it has separated us for almost half of our marriage.  And while we have him home with us we are taking advantage of as much family time as possible  letting our Buddy Bee run wild and free.

"Chase me, Mommy"

Buddy Bee running to his playsets.

Buddy Bee loving his "new to him" truck.

Buddy Bee's "I am going to do something silly" face...

Our wild and crazy Buddy Bee loves to jump.
Jumping off the ground is a recent achievement in the Buddy Bee's life which, he loves demonstrating.

Having fun on the slide.

We couldn't end our evening without a a game of catch the Buddy Bee.

My loves having a great time.

And as we headed back inside we couldn't help but turn and look once more at our flag of rememberance for those who have served and we have lost. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our March Into The Woods

We had a ton of things we could have done on a beautiful Saturday in March but we chose to take
our little Bee for a walk in the woods. A walk in the woods sounded much better than dealing with the basement and  sometimes a family just needs some quaility time outside to refresh. 

My boys excited for our walk.

Buddy Bee decked out in his walk in the woods outfit.

Daddy helping the Bee with his gloves.

Andrew taking the stroller 4 wheeling or more like 2 wheeling through the wetlands.

The boys heading into the woods.

Andrew has been dying to take Buddy Bee to their future hunting spot and you could just hear the joy and excitement in his voice as he explained the woods and hunting to his little boy.

What an amazing sky.

Once we reached a flat spot we let Buddy Bee out of the stroller so he could explore the woods himself.


An amazing father helping his son discover the world.

We have an amazing little boy.

Little Buddy Bee in the very big woods.

At this point Buddy Bee was yelling for his Ma to hurry up.

Buddy Bee took a tumble and rolled down a small hill which, he absolutely loved doing!

A mama and her boy just sitting on a rock.

This boy loves his sticks.

It was time for Buddy Bee's nap so, we said good bye to the woods and headed back home.

A beautiful view as we headed back up to our home.

Buddy Bee and Daddy crossing the creek beside our house.

And at the sight of birdhouses we were home.

I would not have given up our walk in the woods for anything. 
It was a perfect day with my amazing boys.