
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boys Workday Under The Sink

It's was a boys' workday at the Park household. 
While, I took two of our furry friends to the vet my boys got to work on their Saturday project.
And what a sweet sight they were when I got back home. 

The boys' project for the day was to install two new faucets.

Buddy Bee had the very important task of handing Daddy the tools he needed.

This was the current faucet....ick.
And believe me it's as clean as I could get it...still very gross.

Buddy Bee copying Daddy's every move.

Buddy Bee still wearing his booboo reminder.

Buddy Bee demonstrating to Mommy exactly what Daddy was doing.

Then he became the supervisor.

Finally, the old faucet is out.

And it left a gross mess.

The boys returned to under the sink to install the new facuet.

And soon we had a shiny, new, working faucet.

There is a story behind this faucet. 
It was originally purchased for our kennel almost 2 years ago by my father. 
For some reason, which I cannot remember, it did not work with the sink so, unbeknownst to me Andrew bought it for me to replace the kitchen faucet at our old home.  Because we had started communications for the purchase of our cabin we held off on installing it, not knowing that it would be 9 months before the cabin was ours. I am so glad we waited because it's so nice to have a nice shiny faucet in my new kitchen. 

Yay for my hardowrking boys who gave me a new faucet.

The sink crew soon moved to the master bath to start the progress all over again.
If you thought the kitchen sink was bad just look at this "beauty".

Yes, there is condensation inside the knobs.

The boys tried very hard not to make a mess of the bathroom.

If you notice on the inside left, right before the start of the spout there is a change in color (besides the change in color from the finish wearing off).....that is a hole forming.
You have to love 20 year old faucets.

After a trip to the hardware store for new water pipes this little beauty was installed. 

I am in love with her! 
When I started looking for a new faucet I was shocked at the $100+ price tags on many and I was not finding anything I really loved.
I just happen to be looking on the Lowes website when I found this faucet for $39.
She was perfect; cheap and attractive!

Isn't she cute and pretty!
She makes me smile when I am brushing my teeth in the morning.

I have big plans for this bathroom involving a lot of paint but I made a promise to myself that paint has to wait until we tackle the disaster of our basement....

These two faucets may be tiny victories in the long road to updating and making our cabin our home but to me they are huge improvements in our daily lives.  Yay for my boys for working so hard to make Mommy smile.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Buddy Bee Had An Accident

Buddy Bee is always running into things, bumping every limb attached to his little body, and generally just being a little boy.  There is not a day that I am not saying, "Elijah, watch where you are running".  Well even a room full of people could not stop Buddy Bee from the latest booboo.

I was running a meeting for military families at the armory while Andrew was on Buddy Bee duty.  Even though Buddy Bee loves exploring the armory he loves an audience even more.  So, during our meeting Buddy Bee was constantly popping in and out. 

I was holding the meeting in Andrew's office where, he has a very large wooden desk.  This particular desk has a one foot overhang on the front of the desk.  Well, during one of Buddy Bee's pop-ins he ran full force into the overhang. The whole room of people had the same "gasp" reaction as our little Buddy Bee slammed his little face into the overhang.  Daddy swooped in to comfort and to inspect the damage because that is what great Daddies do and because Mommy could not get there fast enough.

Except for some blood and many, many tears our Buddy Bee was ok. 
And by the time the meeting was over and we headed home our little Buddy Bee had forgotten all about his run in with Daddy's desk.

Buddy Bee was happy to be sitting on the kitchen counter and Mommy and Daddy were happy that we did not have to make a trip to the emergency room for stitches. 

Buddy Bee's tough cookie shirt was an appropriate choice for the day.

The kitchen sink was way too tempting for the Bee and he climbed right in.

Buddy Bee does not know how to turn on the faucet yet or we would have had a wet kitchen and Buddy Bee.

Good thing Mommy just sanitized the kitchen today.

Buddy Bee played in the sink till bedtime, an amazingly still activity for the Bee. We gave him a dose of Tylenol in case of any pain his little booboo may cause, kissed him goodnight, and thanked God our little boy survived his run in with a desk with only a booboo on his cute button nose. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Buddy Bee's Fuzzy Lion Hat

Buddy Bee's mission to the mailbox did not end at the mailbox and soon turned into a mission of exploration.
I love this little boy's love of exploration, his need to run free, and his desire to be outside.
And nothing can be cuter than a little boy playing outside then a little boy playing outside in a fuzzy lion hat!

We love Buddy Bee's lion hat and so does very person we happen to meet.
And who can blame them, it's a really adorable hat and an even cuter model wearing it!

Buddy Bee can't do his exploring without his very special Newfie buddy, Hannah.

Buddy Bee so very sweetly found a place to sit.

This one may find a home hanging on our wall.

Buddy Bee was soon off and running but left his little lion friend behind.

From the bench Buddy Bee found the hole....
the hole is what is left from an above ground pool and no deeper than the Buddy Bee .

Buddy Bee was busy running up and down into the hole so Hannah and I sat back and watched the Buddy Bee be a little boy.

I hear the sighs from my family when I pull out the camera to capture our family's moments.
Andrew is always telling me I take way too many photos....
This morning I took over 100 photos of my little boy playing outside and every picture I took was worth it to get this special gem.  You never know what you may get when you just keep snapping pictures.