
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Little Color Added to Buddy Bee's Life.

If you know our little Buddy Bee you know he is a blur of motion. 
I have told Andrew many times, "I think I understand what your mother experienced
with you now because this little boy of ours is just like his Daddy". 
And when Buddy Bee and I are home every day it is sometimes difficult to keep this child busy
without him destroying the house and unraveling his mother.  There have been days
 when Andrew comes home from work and asks, "Buddy Bee, what have you done to your mother?"
 as a disheveled wife stands before him.  
 Well, it had been one of those days and I was searching for ways to keep Buddy Bee
happy and occupied without it involving him climbing furniture.  We soon turned to might have only lasted 5 minutes before Buddy Bee decided crayons were tasty but it was a good 5 minutes!

Oh, the joy of a new toy!

With a little prompting from Mommy, Buddy Bee was soon creating his masterpiece.

I think our Bee might be right handed.

This coloring task was too stationary for the Bee so he was soon taking his new creation on tour.

But soon the taste testing began...

...and the throwing soon followed.

Buddy Bee was soon off to new and better things but it was a great 5 minutes to see my little Bee create.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Uniform.

I absolutely adore my husband in uniform.
When I see him in his dress blues I see:

When Andrew puts on that uniform I fall even deeper for him. 
And not just because he is dashingly handsome in it but because I know what he stands for in his uniform.
I am madly in love with this man and so proud of his service.

On January 22nd Andrew's presence was requested at the Brigade Commander's Holiday Reception.
So, I jumped at the chance to spend a few hours with my handsome hubby in his dress blues. 

My handsome soldier.

Buddy Bee didn't get his blue eyes from his Daddy did he?

These military events are not always very interesting being surrounded with high ranking military personnel but I will never pass up spending the afternoon with a very handsome soldier!

Buddy Bee was thrilled when we arrived back home and even more thrilled to wear Daddy's cap.

One day Buddy Bee will understand what the uniform Daddy wears means, but for now he just wants to wear the neat hat.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow is Yummy!

Buddy Bee had been waiting for it and it finally came in mounds!
Buddy Bee could finally go outside and play in the snow.

But before our Bee could head outside he needed a few layers of warm clothes.

Some very excited yells from the Buddy Bee!

All ready to go, Buddy Bee!
Let's go play in the snow!

Buddy Bee got this perfect sled from grampy and we have been hoping for some snow to play in.

"Your going too fast Mom!"

Buddy Bee thought the snow was perfect to eat.

Our snow covered view.

Buddy Bee soon grew bored with the sled and wanted to explore on his own...

....and well, eat some more snow!

The 6 inches of snow proved to be a bit much for our little Buddy Bee but falling down created a more efficient way to eat snow.

Mommy and her snow Bee.

I love those blue eyes!

Buddy Bee yelling for Daddy who was busy hauling coal to keep us warm.

He soon found that he loved the way his yells sounded with the snow covered trees
 so he just kept on yelling.

We loved our snow day and the time we got to spend playing, and some of us, eating the snow!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Buddy Bee Turns 18 Months!

January 13, 2012
Buddy Bee is 18 months old!

Weight: 21 lbs.
Length: 32 inches
Head Circumference: 18 inches

Official 18 month picture.

Enjoy some outtakes from an 18 month old Bee.

Don't do it Buddy Bee....Don't peel the sticker off!

High fives for Mommy.
It was the only thing getting this little Bee to smile.

It would not be a monthly photo shoot without some tears from the Bee.

My very handsome little Bee.

Our Buddy Bee is now a year and a half year old little boy.
We are loving this perfect time in our Buddy Bee's life.